Mark Zarbo Hockey & Bob Janosz Goaltending are teaming up for an unique camp opportunity. This camp will be all “small area” game situation shooting stations that will focus on offensive strategies and skills for the players, as well as proper save, positioning, and game skill instruction for the goaltenders.
This is a station based camp with players rotating through 12 different stations in the 2 hours. Players must be AAA/AA caliber to attend. Players will be split into 6 small groups of 4-5 players and 2-3 goalies by birth year to ensure equal competition and lots of reps for everyone.
Both Players & Goalies please use the sign up form at the very bottom of the page. Please note sign up is only through Mark Zarbo Hockey’s website for organization purposes.
Sunday March 15th, 6:00 – 8:00pm, AAA/AA 2008 – 2012 birth years
Sunday March 29th, 6:00 – 8:00pm, AAA/AA 2004 – 2007 birth years
Bud Bakewell Arena (Riverside Arena)
$55/player or goalie
Players will learn the goaltenders tendencies; and how to score in a game simulated setting with limited time and space drills. There will be an emphasis on quick releases, one-timers, tips and redirects as well as tactics designed to “open up” the goalie. Small area escape moves and several offensive strategies will be taught and drilled in order to maximize offensive skills. There will a high number of drill repetitions with small group station simulations.
Goaltenders will learn where the players shoot & a variety of save selection techniques; as well as working on “reading the release” and finding the “shot lane”. There will be an emphasis on lateral movement (both up and down); rebound control; and finding the critical balance of knowing when to “block” and when to “react”. Repetition on each gamedrill for proper fundamentals and mechanics will be reinforced.
You know your form went through if you are redirected to a page stating your submission has been sent. You will then be redirected to sign a liability waiver form. You should also receive an email copy of your submission sent in. Please note filling out a the submission form does not guarantee players a spot in camp(s). You should receive a personal email confirmation within 24-48hours confirming that submission was received and whether spots are still available for your requests.